The Digital Learning Experience concept for user-centered learning in a digital and/or online environment, where the social dimension of the learning process is valued, recognising the value of peer-learning, ensuring an engaging learning experience that results in high rates of retention and completion. In the corporate environment, empowering people through a Digital Learning Experience is to implement a continuous learning cycle, enabling them to increase their knowledge and skills in the most diverse areas, as well as helping to improve transversal skills, such as problem solving, which will benefit from the inevitable cognitive development.
At ISQe, the Digital Learning Experience team designs, develops and implements customised digital learning experiences, based on innovative pedagogical contents, suited to multi-device contexts. Our training solutions are designed to be intuitive, with interactive instructions, content bookmarks and systematic organisation of knowledge. This has ensured the satisfaction of our clients and, above all, of their employees. ISQe is strongly committed to gamification, a method that has been clearly proved to achieve better levels of engagement than other more traditional approaches. This has ensured success throughout the design of training paths and skills development for our clients’ human resources.
In line with the necessary continuous innovation in training and talent management processes, given that employee retention is another of the great challenges facing companies today, highly dependent on the personal development the company provides for the employee, the introduction of new approaches in this form of knowledge distribution, using gamification, as mentioned, augmented reality or systems that harness artificial intelligence, allows us to move beyond traditional content development approaches, providing users with an experience that is more attractive and gratifying due to being more personalised.
The corporate segment of the digital learning and talent management market, in which ISQe predominantly positions itself, has presented highly consistent growth worldwide, with companies today investing strategically more in SaaS (Software as a Service) platforms to develop their employees’ careers. This enables us to conclude that SaaS is today a crucial factor in linking organisations and people through cloud platforms and will quickly become the most widely used resource for implementation of talent development and training platforms.
All these indicators give us confidence in the future. ISQe’s market offering is focussed on talent management solutions and content development for digital learning. Working on a Software as a Service basis, we have carried out more than 80 projects implementing recruitment, performance assessment and compensation modules, as well as the training management, blended learning and human resources modules of the talent management suite of our partner Cornerstone (recognised by market analysts such as Gartner and Forrester as the leading provider of talent management software), a unified cloud solution that covers the entire life cycle of the employee in the organisation. Our experience of developing more than 500 e-learning courses using innovative technologies and methodologies, as well as countless business apps customised for our different clients, enables us to look to the future with confidence, thanks essentially to our track record and to the high levels of demand in the market.
Tech-based distance learning has long been used as a training methodology by a vast number of companies, as well as educational and training institutions. Many of these organisations also use a combination of face-to-face and online training (blended learning, or b-learning) as the most appropriate model for training their workforce or students, because it is better suited to the subject matter of practical skills being taught, or merely because the participants are spread between different locations:

The current economic and social situation resulting from the pandemic and the consequent unpredictability of developments has obliged us to reassess our forecasts for growth in this training and learning method. The digital learning market has been growing, above all because of the upsurge in demand for online training platforms prompted by lockdowns, when home working presented itself as the solution for business continuity in many market sectors. This expected boost should reach a plateau at some point during the upturn, and then stabilise in line with pre-pandemic forecasts.
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