
ISQe outsources specialist resources to provide support and ensure the continuity of the solutions implemented at our clients. These resources are ready to provide the following services as from day one of their outsourcing agreement:

Support for system administration (Configure Workflows, Upload courses, register users, send notices, etc.)

Monitor stakeholder reporting needs

Support for Maintenance of organisational data, security profits, user groups and monitoring of app integration (models and functioning of interfaces developed, in particular first response to errors generated)

Manage user support process, in particular for power users, responding promptly and in accordance with priority level established for requests addressed to system

Technical support for contents/process and suppliers management, structuring of content metadata, define and monitor compliance with nomenclature conventions and supervision of content lifecycle

Allocate training to Employees (notices and attendance control)

Monitoring and maintenance of system functions, in particular with regard to configurations, in response to requests/business needs

Analyze reports on attainment of goals